Contact Mat

mathewgiladi (at)

E-mail me about anything, and I'll respond within 48 hours, but please read the story below first. It'll help you understand why I care about responding to you.


I always felt like the people I learned from were untouchable, almost unreal, superheros. I would read book after book, feeling like the pages I read were the closest I would ever get to the successful authors I admired.

Then, one day, I started reading a book called, Blue Ocean Strategy. The amount of unique, high-quality information in that book was on a whole new level. When I was about halfway through the book, out of curiosity, I looked at when it was published.


I started tearing up. I thought to myself, "if I was born a decade earlier, I would've had to grow up not having access to this knowledge. Forget $30. This book is worth $300."

After having such an emotional experience, I decided I had to at least try to contact the authors, just to thank them.

I wrote hand-written letters to both of the co-authors, I sent them out to Singapore and France, and then I waited.

About a month later, I got an e-mail from one of the authors. It felt surreal. "But authors are superheros that don't respond to humans like me?" Yet there she was, in my inbox, giving me her thanks for my letter.

With that e-mail, she became real, and I decided that I would do the same for anyone that learns anything from me. I would be real.

As such, you are welcome to e-mail me about anything.

Question about the course?

Question about me?

Wanna say hi?

By all means, please do. I'll respond within 48 hours.

If I can give you what the author of Blue Ocean Strategy gave me, it would be my pleasure.

mathewgiladi (at)

And in case you're scared I won't respond, which makes perfect sense since very few people do, ask for a selfie with whatever finger you want up (thumb, pointer, index, or pinkie) and you'll get that one specifically. Fair enough?

Talk soon,

mathewgiladi (at)

And if you haven't seen the course yet, well what are you waiting for? The course based on 30 books, over 150 calls, and an unorthodox approach to productivity is waiting for you here!