The About Page

My name's Mat, and I've always loved getting results from what I learn.

When I read about businesses that were based on results instead of time, I created a results-based tutoring business where my students only paid me if they got the grade they wanted.

Then when I read a book on sales, I wondered, "huh, how does this work in the real world?" So I joined a cutlery sales company to find out.

And then one day, when I read a book about creating online information products, I decided to make an online productivity course.

Even though I knew a lot about productivity from personal experience, I didn't feel comfortable sharing my own habits as a one-size-fits-all model. So, to enrich my preexisting knowledge, I read 30 books about productivity.

But it felt like trying to drink out of a fire hose. As I read all these books, I realized, "there's no way I can concisely deliver all of this information. I have to figure out what people actually care about and focus on that."

I called over 150 people and asked them, "what's your biggest problem with being productive?" After enough calls, I started noticing a trend... the problem isn't a lack of knowledge about productivity. People know how to be productive. The problem is the things that get in the way:

Distractions. Inconsistent discipline. Stress.

So I focused the entire course on that.

Instead of doing the obvious and helping people become more productive, I did the opposite. I made a course that would help people get rid of the things that are crippling their productivity. Instead of increasing their income, my goal is to help cut their costs, metaphorically speaking.

How? By breaking the rules. We'll be using our "distracting" phones, avoiding will-power as much as possible, and learning how to genuinely be happy while working - no more "fake it 'till you make it".

And why? Because there's a better way than brute force. As someone who spent most of his life succeeding through brute force, working harder and longer, forgetting about my personal life, and even staying up until 5AM just to wake up at 7AM if that's what it took, I can say for a fact that there's a better, more effective, and less stressful way than brute force.

So, if you want to see what the course based on 30 books, over 150 calls, and an unorthodox approach to productivity looks like, click here!